Thank You
Emerging HOPE has proudly partnered with many summer day programs and residential summer camps and over the past eight years to provide fun-filled summer experiences for urban youth. On last Saturday, March 10th we were once again afforded the opportunity to host Camp Day Out - a cutting-edge family-oriented community informational event. The event has grown tremendously over the last several years; to the degree that we outgrew our usual location (Kalamazoo Public Library - VanDuesen Room). Because of this, we were honored to host Camp Day Out at our new office location where there was ample space.
We extend gratitude to our board members, Pastor Rachel Meier Laughlin, J. Barrett Lee, Turnera Croom Dvm, Latashia May, and Celeste Tyree for your dedication and continued support in helping to make this event a success.
Likewise, we are most appreciative of the wonderful door prizes that were donated from the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Climb Kalamazoo Juggle Joes Sky Zone Trampoline Park Kalamazoo Civic Theater Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Kalamazoo Growlers Baseball Team Kalamazoo Nature Center Kalamazoo Air Zoo Taste of Heaven Jungle Joes
Air Way Lanes Confections with Convictions Chocolate Shop, and Vets In 3D.
Moreover, we are thankful for the time and resources that our Summer Program Partners invested in the fun-filled Camp Day Out Event.
Kalamazoo Recreation Department Public Media Network Camp Henry Lutheran Church of the Savior and African Christian Fellowship Camp Living Water Ministries Sherman Lake Camp (Information) Equestrian Summer Horse Camp Kalamazoo Math and Science Center West Michigan Glass Society Rooted Drumming Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Warner Camp Living Water Camp Camp Emerging HOPE Vets In 3D Cran-Hill Ranch Young Kings and Queens Camp Kidwell KYD Network Paramount Charter Academy
Warmest Regards, Ministers Curtis and Dr. Pamela Robinson, DMin