"Get involved in somebody else's dream."
Community Spotlight is a television series that gives employees, volunteers or clients of Non-Profit Organizations, working within Kalamazoo County, the opportunity to talk about the services provided and the positive effect they have on our community.
Emerging HOPE was one to the featured programs on the show on Thursday, June 23, 2016.
YOUR dream will never come to pass until you get involved in helping someone else's dream become a reality. "What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you." Get involved in somebody else's dream.In order to possess something you do not yet have, you must be willing to plant something that you do have. That's the principle the farmer operates on. This is not something new; farmers do it all the time.What does the farmer want? He wants a crop. What does he have? A seed. He must be willing to plant something that he does have in order to possess something he doesn't have.Your dream can never come to pass until you sow toward that dream. Get involved in somebody else's dream. Every seed produces after its own kind.That's the law of Genesis. If you plant apples, you get apples. If you plant oranges, you get oranges. Are you believing for a car? If so, then go find someone else who is believing for a car and plant into their dream. When you make someone else's dream come to pass, God will see to it that others get involved in your dream.Your sowing will produce miracles. There's not a lack of miracles. The problem is they are either coming towards you or they are passing you by. When you are a sower into others dreams, then your sowing acts like a magnet and attracts miracles to your life.